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Luigi Einaudi (1874–1961)  

Italian economist and statesman, the first President (1948-55) of the Republic of Italy. In 1936-43 he was the editor of Rivista di storia economica ('Review of Economic History'), which was suppressed by the Fascists, of whom he was an unwavering opponent. In 1943 he fled to Switzerland. Returning to Italy in 1945, Einaudi was appointed governor of the Bank of Italy (1945-48). He was a member of the Constituent Assembly (1946-48), becoming deputy prime minister and minister of the budget (1947), a new post in which he successfully curbed inflation and stabilised the currency. In 1948 Einaudi became a member of the Senate of the Italian republic and on 11th May its first President. His term lasted until 1955.

al barriêri i sêrven sôl a fêr i pôpol piò puvràtt, e a fêr in môd ch\'i s\'ôdien a môrt, parlând in n\'a léngua ch\'àns capéss gnìnta èd spâzi vitêl, èd cumplicaziòun d\'la geografìa insàmm a la polìtica, e pò zà a dêr adôs, catîv impestê, a i immigrê furastêr cumpâgn chi fòssen di lebrôs, e che fêr che ciascûn pôpol al fâga per sô còunt, isolê, \'nveci che purtêr misêria e fastèddi, a purtèssa riccàzza e potéinza
mò và là, dài, un regìster di giurnalèsta! Prôpria n\'idèa da precisèin, da profesôr di mê stivài, da giurnalèsta fallî, da gèint ch\'ì\'n vôlen mènga che chi êter i pèinsen cùn la sô tèsta. \'Stè regìster l\'è tòtt da rèdder, \'na trâpla, un bròt lavôr perché acsè às pretând ed màtter di frêno a un quêl c\'àn gh\'n\'hà e àn pôl mènga avêrghen: la libertê èd dîr quàl ch\'às pèinsa